LogicTables Module Documentation

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The LogicTables module is designed to handle logical expressions, variables, and truth tables. It provides functionality to evaluate logical expressions, generate truth tables, and validate logical statements. The module also includes logging mechanisms to capture various events and errors, ensuring that all operations are traceable.

Class LogicTables


  • variables: A list to store the variables involved in logical expressions.
  • expressions: A list to store the logical expressions to be evaluated.
  • valid_truths: A list to store expressions that have been validated as true.
  • logger: A logging object to capture and store log messages.
def __init__(self):
    self.variables = []
    self.expressions = []
    self.valid_truths = []
    self.logger = logging.getLogger('LogicTables')
    self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)  # Set to DEBUG to capture all logs

Upon initialization, the LogicTables class sets up logging mechanisms and ensures that necessary directories for logs are created.

Logging Methods

def log(self, message, level='info'):
    if level == 'info':
    elif level == 'error':
    elif level == 'warning':
    self.store_log_in_mindx(message, level)
    self.store_log_in_memory(message, level)

def store_log_in_mindx(self, message, level):
    general_log_path = './mindx/errors/log.txt'
    pathlib.Path(general_log_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    with open(general_log_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{level.upper()}: {message}\n")

def store_log_in_memory(self, message, level):
    memory_log_path = './memory/truth/logs.txt'
    pathlib.Path(memory_log_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    with open(memory_log_path, 'a') as file:
        file.write(f"{level.upper()}: {message}\n")

The logging methods ensure that messages are logged both to the general log file and the memory log file

Adding Variables and Expressions

def add_variable(self, var):
    if var not in self.variables:
        self.log(f"Added variable: {var}")
        self.output_belief(f"Added variable: {var}")
        self.log(f"Variable {var} already exists.", level='warning')

def add_expression(self, expr):
    if expr not in self.expressions:
        self.log(f"Added expression: {expr}")
        self.output_belief(f"Added expression: {expr}")
        self.log(f"Expression {expr} already exists.", level='warning')

These methods add new variables and expressions to their respective lists and log the additions.

Evaluating Expressions

def evaluate_expression(self, expr, values):
    allowed_operators = {
        'and': lambda x, y: x and y,
        'or': lambda x, y: x or y,
        'not': lambda x: not x,
        'xor': lambda x, y: x ^ y,
        'nand': lambda x, y: not (x and y),
        'nor': lambda x, y: not (x or y),
        'implication': lambda x, y: not x or y

        result = eval(expr, {"__builtins__": None}, {**allowed_operators, **values})
        self.log(f"Evaluated expression '{expr}' with values {values}: {result}")
        return result
    except Exception as e:
        self.log(f"Error evaluating expression '{expr}': {e}", level='error')
        return False

This method evaluates a logical expression using the provided values and logs the results.

Generating and Displaying Truth Tables

def generate_truth_table(self):
    n = len(self.variables)
    combinations = list(itertools.product([True, False], repeat=n))
    truth_table = []

    for combo in combinations:
        values = {self.variables[i]: combo[i] for i in range(n)}
        result = values.copy()
        for expr in self.expressions:
            result[expr] = self.evaluate_expression(expr, values)

    self.log(f"Generated truth table with {len(truth_table)} rows")
    self.output_belief(f"Generated truth table with {len(truth_table)} rows")
    return truth_table

def display_truth_table(self):
    truth_table = self.generate_truth_table()
    headers = self.variables + self.expressions
    for row in truth_table:
        print("\t".join(str(row[var]) for var in headers))

These methods generate and display truth tables based on the current variables and expressions

Validating Truths

def validate_truth(self, expression):
    if expression not in self.expressions:
        self.log(f"Expression '{expression}' is not in the list of expressions.", level='warning')
        return False

    truth_table = self.generate_truth_table()
    for row in truth_table:
        if not row[expression]:
            self.log(f"Expression '{expression}' is not valid.")
            return False
    # is valid expression
    self.log(f"Expression '{expression}'")
    return True

def save_valid_truth(self, expression):
    timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
    valid_truth = {"expression": expression, "timestamp": timestamp}
    self.log(f"Saved valid truth: '{expression}' at {timestamp}")

These methods validate logical expressions and save them if they are valid

Additional Methods

    get_valid_truths: Retrieves all validated truths.
    tautology: Checks if an expression is a tautology.
    modus_ponens: Implements the modus ponens rule of inference.
    unify_variables: Unifies variables between facts and rules.

example use

if __name__ == '__main__':
    lt = LogicTables()
    lt.add_expression('A and B')
    lt.add_expression('A or B')
    lt.add_expression('not A')
    lt.add_expression('A xor B')
    lt.add_expression('A nand B')
    lt.add_expression('A nor B')
    lt.add_expression('A implication B')

    expression_to_validate = 'A and B'
    is_valid = lt.validate_truth(expression_to_validate)
    print(f"Is the expression '{expression_to_validate}' valid? {is_valid}")

    valid_truths = lt.get_valid_truths()
    print("Valid truths with timestamps:")
    for truth in valid_truths:

demonstrates the LogicTables class to add variables and expressions, generate and display a truth table, and validate logical expressions.

logic.py is an essential component of fundamental AGI
funAGI fundamental augmented general intelligence framework

logic is an essential step towards drawing a conclusion or making a decision


# logging
logic module with error handling explanation

from the perspective of funAGI logging is sometimes duplicated to both the 

./mindx ./mindx/errors/log.txt

./memory ./memory/truth/logs.txt

folders allowing the machine to participate in self_healing from logic errors

self.log(f"Evaluated expression '{expr}' with values {values}: {result}")

# log add variable

        self.log(f"Added variable: {var}")
        self.output_belief(f"Added variable: {var}")
        self.log(f"Variable {var} already exists.", level='warning')

# log add expression

        self.log(f"Added expression: {expr}")
        self.output_belief(f"Added expression: {expr}")
        self.log(f"Expression {expr} already exists.", level='warning')

# log evaluated expression

        self.log(f"Evaluated expression '{expr}' with values {values}: {result}")
        return result
    except Exception as e:
        self.log(f"Error evaluating expression '{expr}': {e}", level='error')

# log truth_table generation

        self.log(f"Generated truth table with {len(truth_table)} rows")
    self.output_belief(f"Generated truth table with {len(truth_table)} rows")
    return truth_table

# display truth_table

        def display_truth_table(self):
    truth_table = self.generate_truth_table()
    headers = self.variables + self.expressions
    for row in truth_table:
        print("\t".join(str(row[var]) for var in headers))


# log if expression not in self.expressions:

    self.log(f"Expression '{expression}' is not in the list of expressions.", level='warning')

#  log if not row[expression]:

    self.log(f"Expression '{expression}' is not valid.")

# log self.save_valid_truth(expression)
    self.log(f"Expression '{expression}'")

# log save_valid_truth(valid_truth)
    self.log(f"Saved valid truth: '{expression}' at {timestamp}")


Workflow for providing solution from AGI as a response from reasoning


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